For small, medium and large businesses, for consumers of various groups and industries
Tolkovyy "0" tariff without restrictions
No supplier margin
Pay-as-you-go; possibility to pay for distribution through the supplier; no penalties; wholesale price for all consumers
The tariff is valid only until 31.12.24
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For shopping centers and enterprises that have sub-consumers, for all categories of consumers (group "B") of the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region
Transparent tariff
January price - 6, 18923 UAH/kWh excluding VAT, does not include electricity transmission and distribution services
The price is known already on the 1st day after the month of supply on the independent exchange "Market Operator" ( The consumer receives payments after 7 days
The tariff is not offered to consumers of group A and is relevant only for consumers of the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region
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For consumers with a consumption volume of up to 100,000 kWh per month, who expect stability of supply, without the possibility of price adjustment
Fixed fee regardless of consumption, period of application: from 1 to 24 months.
The most simple, transparent, and understandable tariff formation for small consumers
Impossibility of forecasting the price and affecting the cost of production. The consumer assumes all risks of price changes on the market
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Enterprises with a consumption of more than 100,000 kWh per month, who are wary of significant price fluctuations
Combined tariff
A tariff with the advantages of a formula and a fixed price
The ability not to worry about possible losses in the event that prices on the electricity market decrease significantly compared to your fixed tariff. "Golden mean" for companies with an average volume of consumption
Disadvantages and risks of Formula and Fixed price are shared with the supplier only in half
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For manufacturing enterprises with long-term cost planning and for enterprises with sub-consumers
Fixed price for 1 kWh
Fixed price application period: 3/6/12/24 months
The possibility of long-term forecasting of electricity costs. Individual calculation of the two-zone "day/night" tariff
With reduced market prices, your tariff remains fixed
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For non-manufacturing enterprises and cautious entrepreneurs
Linking to the prices established at the RDN
The price corresponds to the market. Supplier margin control and settlement transparency
Impossibility of forecasting the price and influence on the cost of production. The consumer assumes all risks of price changes on the market
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For companies with a consumption of more than 1,000,000 kWh per month with a large share of electricity costs in the cost of production
Exchange products for consumers
The price of a certain product on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange, the residual schedule - at the Formula price
Opportunity to save significantly. Only for companies that constantly monitor trends in the electricity market. The greatest benefit for consumers with uniform consumption throughout the day
Formula and Fixed Price risks are shared with the supplier on a pro rata basis
"We switched to the new tariff quickly and clearly. Without red tape and approvals. We submitted the necessary documents and concluded the contract online"
Interfil LLC
Transition tooks us:
The transition took a minimum of time
Costs reduced: :
"Cooperation with the Tolk Group of Companies is built on trust and reliability. Tolk provides excellent service. We receive stable electricity and pay for it in a timely manner, Oleg Adamchuk, Interfil LLC."
"Knowledgeable technical support. Together with the consultant, we went through all the stages of submitting documents and concluded the contract, spending surprisingly little time on it"
"A transparent grid of tariffs that allows you to accurately forecast electricity costs and calculate savings. A flexible approach to customers, there is an opportunity to adapt the conditions to yourself"
To switch to Tolk tariffs, it is necessary to fill out an application for joining, provide a document confirming the authority of the person to sign the contract, an extract from the UDR, as well as the passport of the distribution point or the EIS code